What's that got to do with anything?
Had the republic of the United States of America been operating strictly under the Constitution, the Criminal Code, and the rule of law, Joseph and Hunter Biden would have been behind bars since at least 2017. They were part of a criminal conspiracy. Then add to that the fact that Biden *won* by fraud (which is a federal crime), that charge would have been added to the charges against him.
However, since the Constitution and the rule of law were rendered null and void by a thoroughly corrupt DOJ, FBI, and SCOTUS, Biden got away with murder. And now the whole country is paying the price for having a fraudulent and criminal person in the White House as president.
The fact that they want to maintain a military presence in D.C. on an ongoing basis confirms that an illegal and illegitimate dictator has seized power in America, while everyone has simply stood by. This is no different than what happens in banana republics worldwide.
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