it does not answer the OP but ...I could not resist.
I agree that's what I was thinking the whole time but instead of just repeating billions over and over to see who all just wasn't really paying attention I thought 8 million? Some how or another everyone is convinced that deep down here in Texas we have a tent city or something set up that's got 8 million illegal aliens hidden somewhere. I guess it's suppose to be hidden in the deep thicket some where like a concentration camp with guillotines and cages to keep them all in.
I guess there's what 8.2 to 8.4 million people crammed into New York City but NY city would really be hard to hide right? Down in Texas we're suppose to have about 8 million illegal's that we're holding up somewhere but to put that into scope that would be lets see....? Hmm,, it would be a tent city the size of Houston TX., pop. 2,302.878,,,and San Antonio, pop. 1,472,909,,and Dallas, 1,299,504,,,Austin, pop. 974,477,,,Fort Worth, pop. 956,709,,, El Paso, pop.677,456,,, and Arlington Texas, pop. 394,602 = 8,078,535,,,(COMBINED)... So wow this tent city,holding camp,,detention center, place, thing ect. that we got in Texas is as large as the top 7 most populated cities in Texas? I know, I know I shouldn't be scared of this massive place where all those criminal,baby snatching,drug dealing illegal's are being hold up but put yourselves in my shoe's, your talking about my back yard and I don't see it no where..