So you're hurt that Trump isn't your knight in shining armor, just like the day you found out that there wasn't a Santa Claus?
Trump has done more for this country than Obama, Biden and the Clintons put together. He's miles ahead of anyone else and it's likely he's going to be the candidate. I have a feeling more people identify with Trump more now than they ever did. People are going to have show out big because the Dems are already planning how to roll the country again. I just watch the end of the movie "Man of the Year", one of my favorite actors Jeff Goldblum, did an excellent job. The actress comes to him and tells him something isn't right on election night, that the machines aren't working properly and the wrong man is going to win. His response was something like " Americans elected a president, it doesn't matter if it was fraudulent or not, the democratic process worked, the people elected someone." Totally how Dems feel, but they didn't on the night Hillary lost. And Liz Warren and the VP herself said the machines could cause issues with the election. Hill still won't admit she lost the election, even with all the cheating she did. I guess the Dems didn't like her enough to push her through. But Biden, they knew they had a winner in an old man that would do and say whatever they told him. They don't have COVID this time, wonder what disaster they'll cook up this time to keep the Biden crime family out of jail and in power.
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