Well, I whole heartedly agree with ikecantles OP with legitimate reasons as to why this was a setup from the left and to why Kavanaugh I believe is innocent. If you have any kind of discernment whatsoever, you should have seen that Dr. Ford, put on a performance and read from a piece of paper, and only truly acknowledged the Democratic stature, whereas Judge Kavanaugh spoke from his heart and acknowledged all the Senators present at the hearing. You cannot hide what's in your heart, and the fact that Ford (who had the voice of a 17 year old and has been criticized by students as a woman you don't want to be on her bad side, or she jumps crazy) cannot remember crucial things that IMO, something as tragic and horrific as that, SHOULD be remembered, plus the fact that several witnesses, including key witnesses that SHE named, have come forward and have denied her allegations, even citing this did not even happen. Even her so called best friend Lealand stated she did not even know Kavanaugh and such a party never took place.
Let's say for the sake of argument that maybe Ford's memory is hazy....but the possibility of two memories being hazy....highly unlikely.
This is from my personal testimony, and while i'm not proud of it, it happened when I was not a truly saved Christian man. I went out with a couple of friends one evening when i was 25, and we went to the Station, which is a karaoke bar, and we sat down, ate dinner, and decided to have some drinks. Only we didn't beer, we drank hard stuff, liquor you name it. Me, I drank Fireball...which is a cinnamon flavored whiskey, and I didn't just drink one shot, or two shots, or even leave it at three. I got carried away and drank 15 shots. I was completely hammered, could barely walk, but I remember EVERYTHING about that night, to the song I sang for karaoke which was Brad Paisleys Mud on the Tires, to my friend having to leave and pick up her children and take them home, from me getting into a debate with another friend of mine what song to sing next, to even wrecking my truck later that evening trying to get back home. I remember it like it was yesterday, so my point in all of this is she claimed to have only one, ONE STINKING BEER, yet her memory is so hazy she doesn't remember what she was wearing, where the house was this party occurred, how she got home, or what date this took place, but yet I can take 4 times the alcohol consumption she had and I remember every sordid detail from my experience.
I don't buy it, and if you look hard enough and use what discernment the Holy Spirit gives you, you should be able to see right through this. Jesus warned us there would be false prophets who come in sheeps clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves, and Dr. Ford, struck me as a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Yes Kavanaugh was angry, but I sensed a righteous anger in him. He did not let it consume him during his testimony, and it was evident that God was working in that room when Senator Lindsey Graham came to his defense and called it like it is.
If you're a liar, God ALWAYS finds you out, and he WILL expose you, and all these people are already being exposed for their motives. Senator Kennedy asked Kavanaugh a question, if he believed in God, and he said without hesitation yes. I wonder if Dr. Ford would have done the same being asked that question, seeing as how she comes from a strong Liberal University and (from my experience) most Liberal professors DO NOT believe in God and some are profound atheists! The fact that his 10 year old little girl said to pray for Dr. Ford, speaks such a testament to his character and his wifes character and integrity. He even testified that he and his family still go to church on Sundays, it is automatic for them. I don't believe this man is perfect, but I do believe this man is innocent, and the biggest reason why people are quick to jump on the accusers train is because they have ZERO Spiritual discernment, or they have their mind's made up (deceived) however you wish to approach it.
So for me, this man is innocent.