Did you listen to yourself in this sentence?
1. They are NOT illegal immigrants. That is a misrepresentation right from the start.
2. The are FOREIGN MIGRANT INVADERS. So we need the truth here and you will not get it from the Left. But you are willing to deceive yourself.
3. They include all the scum from other countries -- hardened criminals, rapists, murderers, child traffickers, human traffickers, the mentally insane, and also terrorists.
4. They include (to a large degree) single military age men who are already trying to subvert the country and are ready to work for China and the Muslim terrorists.
5. The have poured in by the millions, and even attacked those who wanted to stop them at the border. This has changed the demographics negatively.
6. They have actually been ENCOURAGED to break immigration laws to begin with, and after they commit crimes in the USA, they are immediately excused from accountability.
7. They have in fact committed many heinous crimes in the USA, and will continue to do so.
8. They have formed criminal gangs in NY City, and have terrorized and robbed innocent citizens.
9. All the levels of government have altogether spent BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to maintain them free of charge at tax payer expense, and also given them royal treatment to buy votes.
10. They have put veterans, seniors, and law-abiding citizens at a disadvantage by having benefits diverted to them from those who should have rightfully received them.
And you believe that the lawful citizens of America should not fear these monsters? If you lived in the centers where they have gathered by the thousands, and had a family, you would not fear for your family and yourself if they invaded your home, and treat all this as NORMAL? In view of all this are fears being "exaggerated" or the exact opposite? Do you even see the insanity of this whole thing.
Illegal Alien TikToker Who Urged Migrants To Invade US Homes Reportedly Worked For Venezuela’s Military Intel (infowars.com)
1. They are NOT illegal immigrants. That is a misrepresentation right from the start.
2. The are FOREIGN MIGRANT INVADERS. So we need the truth here and you will not get it from the Left. But you are willing to deceive yourself.
3. They include all the scum from other countries -- hardened criminals, rapists, murderers, child traffickers, human traffickers, the mentally insane, and also terrorists.
4. They include (to a large degree) single military age men who are already trying to subvert the country and are ready to work for China and the Muslim terrorists.
5. The have poured in by the millions, and even attacked those who wanted to stop them at the border. This has changed the demographics negatively.
6. They have actually been ENCOURAGED to break immigration laws to begin with, and after they commit crimes in the USA, they are immediately excused from accountability.
7. They have in fact committed many heinous crimes in the USA, and will continue to do so.
8. They have formed criminal gangs in NY City, and have terrorized and robbed innocent citizens.
9. All the levels of government have altogether spent BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to maintain them free of charge at tax payer expense, and also given them royal treatment to buy votes.
10. They have put veterans, seniors, and law-abiding citizens at a disadvantage by having benefits diverted to them from those who should have rightfully received them.
And you believe that the lawful citizens of America should not fear these monsters? If you lived in the centers where they have gathered by the thousands, and had a family, you would not fear for your family and yourself if they invaded your home, and treat all this as NORMAL? In view of all this are fears being "exaggerated" or the exact opposite? Do you even see the insanity of this whole thing.
Illegal Alien TikToker Who Urged Migrants To Invade US Homes Reportedly Worked For Venezuela’s Military Intel (infowars.com)
To respond substantively to your post, I don't fear illegal immigrants, especially since statistically they are less likely to harm me than an American per Texas data. HOWEVER, I do not want illegal immigration. I want people to come in LEGALLY and get paid what the average American would get paid to do the same job. I don't want them to be exploited by selfish, greedy, and criminal employers who hire illegal immigrants to pay them pennies on the dollar.
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