[Any country] can win any war
That is correct. A nation needs only 300 soldiers as per Judges 7 not one
of whom needs to engage in combat according to Psalm 81:13-15.
This would be false.
Can you show any verse that says this apply's to any nation
[other then] the Nation of Israel in the bible?
In Leviticus 26:19, God warns Israel that disobedience has one outcome:
“I will break the pride of your power.” America, the most powerful nation
on Earth, is currently being broken in the Middle East.
This would be correct below.
The United States would be very wise to start following God again.
You also have a twisted view of history, and trusting Russia and China,
not to mention trusting the number one state sponcer of terror, that's Iran.
By the way, the bible says
Syria will not be aligned with Iran
in the end time,but will soon side with Germany anyway.