And, if you are interested, I will try to illustrate something about paying attention to the details - using your own reference...
Remember that statement? Well, that is what this post is all about...
This is the reference of yours that I had in mind when I wrote that statement.
Did you notice that the article did not contain a real actual bona fide picture of the "spacecraft"?
Why is that?
Do you not think that - before they deployed it into space - they would have had more than ample opportunity to take loads-and-plenty of pictures of the finished satellite???
The fact that there are never any real actual bona fide pictures is a major clue!
These are the kind of 'details' that everyone needs to pay close attention to.
The "wool" is being "pulled over your eyes" - by convincing you to believe what you want to believe rather than what really is.
I am aware of those theories and cgi images from NASA. Well, I am aware of the accusations.
Why is an "Artist Illustration" or a CGI image the only thing NASA ever has to offer???
No real actual bona fide pictures??? Why???
Has it occurred to you yet that it just might be meaningful to search out those "accusations" to their natural conclusion?
Alas flat earthers are lacking substantial knowledge or data backing up the “knowledge”.
Or, there is no lack of knowledge or data; rather, there is simply a lack of understanding on the part of others who are "still stuck in the MATRIX" because they are "happy" having their minds "trapped" in the MATRIX (like Cypher).
There is plenty of knowledge - only, helping others to understand how that knowledge translates into something that makes enough sense to enable them to "open their eyes and see it" can be very difficult considering that the person has been trained from birth to "not see it"...
A person must first be able to "un-brainwash" themselves before they can "see it" clearly.
You are not going to be able to fully understand and accept 'Flat Earth' until you "un-brainwash" yourself from the 'Ball Earth' training you have received all of your life.
No it doesn’t do our research good. People start doubting things they should not, things like gravity.
YES - you
should doubt 'gravity'.
You MUST be able to "suspend" all-that-you-think-you-know about the Earth while you examine "what really is" -- you CANNOT use 'gravity', for example, to build a Flat Earth construct - you MUST examine Flat Earth
from a Flat Earth point of view - you CANNOT examine Flat Earth
from a Ball Earth point of view.
Do you understand this???
Scientists around the world should end this debate once and for all by taking every flat earther high enough to see the curvature.
Scientists around the world - who desire others to believe that we are on a spinning ball flying through space - should actually PROVE it with REAL science!
It has never been proven!
You choose to believe it merely because it is what you have been told, shown, and taught all of your life.
But even down on earth the math can be done to conclude we live on a globe.
This is one of the key things most folks do not understand the truth about. And, it deserves its own post if not own thread.
Math can be used to "describe" virtually anything - REAL or IMAGINED.
Just because "the math fits" doesn't mean that it is true in the real world.
Math is really good at showing the HOW and WHY of an idea; however,
do not ever depend on it alone to convince you that an idea is TRUE.
Do you understand what I am trying to get across to you?
Below. A photograph showing conclusive proof of Santa, his sled and reindeer. The only questions now are how does he get so many presents to the children of the world in one night, and what role do the little elves play in all of this?
View attachment 221826
Note that Flat Earth is an observation. It is what we see. We don't need to prove it. Spinning (heliocentric) and ball Earth are claims, as these are not observations. The burden of proof is on the heliocentrists and globalists to prove their theories, with evidence that can't be explained as adequately (or better), by a theory consistent with observation of a Flat Earth.
Children believe in Santa Claus because
the idea has been
illustrated to them in such a way that they
want to believe that he is real - and - because
they trust those who are telling them what is actually a lie.
Ball Earth is no different.
"You are an adult now. It is time to 'grow up' and realize that what you have been taught all of your life about the Earth is a lie..."