Two points:
1. Okay, color me intrigued. What is your evidence that Jews attacked Germans or presented an existential threat to the German people meritorious of extermination?
Kaylagirl may be passionate, but the onus is on you to prove something happened, not her to prove a negative.
2. Yes socialism, be it national or international, black or white, Eastern or Western is satanic, evil, and a crutch for faux aristocrats who couldn't get they want through pluck or persuasion of free men.
It erodes true culture, exchanges history for bias confirmation, and denies a man the fruits of his own labor. In that sense it is incompatible with true nationalism which recognizes the importance of these bonds.
We are in agreement that the modern Left has a pronounced hatred of white people. They propose socialism as an engine for looting from white people in an effort to re-balance scales. Those who understand this reality are, indeed, called racists and pariahs.
The Left wants to throw us in with their fellow socialists. People who think along the same lines, but want pilfered funds to flow in the opposite direction in the interest in racial justice.
Let me put this in terms that may appeal to you- the Alt-Right proposes a half measure. They will fail to provide justice for the people they claim to work on behalf of. With the best of intentions, they will lead us to Hell either by loss to Leftists or impoverishment afterward.
American conservatism has become something of a joke. But with some renovation, it is the only existing political force that can stop the Left in their quest for state-sponsored vengeance on European heritage, the Church, manhood, womanhood, and the very pillars of Western Civilization.
Yes the Nazis originally retaliated from the Jews because of their attacks against Christians. Do some research before you act like you know what you are talking about and start ridiculing. Being a white nationalist socialist does not make you satanic or evil. Asian countries and Middle Eastern countries and race nationalists and defend themself but you dont call them Nazis. Most Dutch countries still are. When whites have to defend themself from other races and fight back liberals like to call them devils. You act like the Nazis were never attacked first. Oh yea I forgot I am talking to somebody that knows nothing about the history.