God puts in power who He wants. Daniel 2:21. Psalm 75:7. Whats our part then you ask. We are commanded to stand for righteousness to the best of our ability.
'When you tell them all this, they will not listen to you, (i get that one), when you call to them they will not answer.' Jeremiah 7:27
'You must speak My words to them, whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious.' Ezekiel 2:7
So i changed my mind about voting. Going to whether it does any good or not. Voter fraud is rampant. 50 percent of the drivers license's given in Mush brain California are to illiegals. Then they can vote. Guess which way they vote.
I believe that Trump might be a 'plant'. The fix is in. The game is rigged. Trump may be working for Hillary. His mouth continues to screw things up. He can't be that stupid...can he?
Look at Obama......a less than 'nobody', out of nowhere, a no name, straight to the top. How in the world?
Do i smell a conspiracy? Strong possibility. Bilderbergers, CFR, Free Masons, Roman Jesuits, Illuminate, Knights of Columbus, Trilateral Commision, etc., all 'one worlders.'
See: Psalm 2. They are not pulling one over on God. He laughs at their diabolical plans.