So is this the hill you're willing to die on? I don't mean really die but to have such restrictions brought into your life from functioning a thousand and one different ways? I've read some which have said God told them to go ahead and take it for he has called them to be in the ministry where they HAVE TO travel and NOT be restricted. Can you see how refusing to do so can pull one right out of the will of God? I keep wondering too about so many workplaces. So all the LIGHT (meaning Christians) quit their jobs or get fired...end result.....the LIGHT is pulled off the floor of all of those workplaces? Can anyone here really say well YES that is the will of God?
So are you saying inside a vaccine people take are actual fetal cells? You do know a great many claim that's not true?
Although fetal cells are not used to make the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, they were used in the very early stages of development of these vaccines to test “proof of concept” (to test that the vaccines could work).
Are human fetal cells used to make some vaccines? | Immunize BC
Sorry but it most certainly cannot. That which is of flesh is flesh and that which is of spirit is spirit. (based on Jn 3:6 ) Your spirit is YOU the real man on the inside. Your physical system is merely like a glove....NOT THE REAL THING. God's salvation when it come to eternal life takes place solely in the spirit of man NOT his flesh.
This is wild, wild, wild way out their stuff and is so speculative and made up no one should take that too seriously. I know...I've watched stuff on the Health Ranger too (if that's where you're getting this) and one thing I find about those type of videos they start off by asking questions....could this be connected to this and that to that.....connecting the dots.....and then they finish of the rest of their reasoning with things like now that we've established this or that.....NO they didn't establish this or that. It's all made up from imaginings. Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating taking a vaccine I think each one has to get the feel from their study and God concerning that.....but I certainly don't buy into some of these things you've put down above. You might want to consider they're a little bit extreme?
So are you saying inside a vaccine people take are actual fetal cells? You do know a great many claim that's not true?
Although fetal cells are not used to make the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, they were used in the very early stages of development of these vaccines to test “proof of concept” (to test that the vaccines could work).
Are human fetal cells used to make some vaccines? | Immunize BC
Sorry but it most certainly cannot. That which is of flesh is flesh and that which is of spirit is spirit. (based on Jn 3:6 ) Your spirit is YOU the real man on the inside. Your physical system is merely like a glove....NOT THE REAL THING. God's salvation when it come to eternal life takes place solely in the spirit of man NOT his flesh.
This is wild, wild, wild way out their stuff and is so speculative and made up no one should take that too seriously. I know...I've watched stuff on the Health Ranger too (if that's where you're getting this) and one thing I find about those type of videos they start off by asking questions....could this be connected to this and that to that.....connecting the dots.....and then they finish of the rest of their reasoning with things like now that we've established this or that.....NO they didn't establish this or that. It's all made up from imaginings. Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating taking a vaccine I think each one has to get the feel from their study and God concerning that.....but I certainly don't buy into some of these things you've put down above. You might want to consider they're a little bit extreme?
Thank you for your thoughtful comments regarding the post I made.
Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. I'm not saying they are actual fetal cells, no. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus. These cell lines descended from cells taken from abortions in the 1970s and 1980s. Fetal cell lines were used in the production and manufacturing stages of the vaccines. I see the presence of these cell lines as a "red flag." because of their point of origin. I know this view is seen by some as extreme. I believe because of the origin of the cell lines used in the vaccines, this is abominable to the Ruach Hakodesh.
I understand why yourself and many other Christians do not "buy into" what I am saying about this "wild wild stuff." Allow me to mention briefly some of my doctrinal views so you can perhaps get a better idea of where I am coming from. It is my view that we have already entered the 70th week of Daniel. It is my view from what I am seeing occur with Israel and their enemies that we are closer to the Time of Jacob's Trouble than we are to the beginning of Daniel's 70th week often called "the tribulation." I hold to the view that the church will experience a glorification/rapture event sometime before the midpoint, in the midst of trials/tribulation in Daniel's 70th week. In my view, the stage is set for the revealing of the antichrist. If not now, then when? That's how I see it. So many signs from Matthew 24:4-14 have been fulfilled and they are increasing in intensity and severity.
Yes, I have read that argument where Christians are saying God wants to them to take the vaccine so they can function in the world, etc. It is my view that God wants his chosen remnant to remain in Him. I view those who are taking the "vaccines" as unfaithful to our Lord. I know many will see this as extreme, and they certainly have the right to agree to disagree with me.
I believe based upon my studies that we as a church are soon to be glorified and will help the Lord Jesus with a final harvest. I don't think pastors and other servants of the Lord should be taking the vaccines. Firstly, to me it shows a lack of faith in the Lord. He did say the pestilence would not come near our dwelling place. Also, the evidence is clear to me (although disputed by some) that the fundamental genetic structure of God's creation is being altered.
I understand what you mention about the Christians and the Light of the Lord's servants being removed from this world. In my view, what we are seeing is a dividing, a separating within the body of Christ. Our Lord did come to divide. He also said judgement begins in the House of God. It is my view that those who have taken this gene therapy shot have traded their eternal inheritance for a bowl of soup just as Esau did. Yes, I know this will sound extreme or unreasonable to some, etc. Some Christians such as myself believe that what you are seeing right now is a spiritual test of faithfulness to our Lord.
Matthew 24:14 states, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." In my eschatological view, we are closer to great tribulation or the time of the end then we are to the beginning of Daniel's 70th week. So, I believe the servants of the Lord should not trust in the devices of man, but put our full trust in Him. I do think the gospel message is going to be shared with the lukewarm/lost as greater tribulation comes upon the world. It is my understanding that God allows this intense tribulation to come because it forces his creation to either make a choice for or against Him. When the vaccines become mandatory for all, which I am confident they soon will be, many will have to make their choice for or against the Lord. There will be those Christians who say, "its okay, its not part of the mark of the beast system, it doesn't qualify, it doesn't change my DNA." The heat is now being turned up on the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and this will continue to increase.
I disagree that what I am saying is "made up from imaginings." Although, I can understand why yourself and others see it that way. Yes, I understand that it sounds extreme. I expect to be questioned, etc. No, I am not getting this from the Health Ranger. I have spent many hours reading, researching, etc. and some experienced and intelligent doctors are making statements along the same lines than I am making.
This is the perfect platform for editing the human genome. I linked a full study citing the presence of the HIV-1 genomic inserts in the "vaccines." I would say it is definitely worth looking at.
You have likely heard of a project funded by Bill Gates that aims to deliver an invisible quantum tattoo hidden in the coronavirus vaccine for storing your vaccination history. The researchers showed that their new dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots, can remain for at least five years under the skin, where it emits near-infrared light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone.
By selectively loading microparticles into microneedles, the patches deliver a pattern in the skin that is invisible to the naked eye but can be scanned with a smartphone that has the infrared filter removed. The patch can be customized to imprint different patterns that correspond to the type of vaccine delivered. The quantum dots are biosensors composed of artificial electrons that are capable of sending and receiving digital signals.
“It’s possible someday that this ‘invisible’ approach could create new possibilities for data storage, biosensing, and vaccine applications that could improve how medical care is provided, particularly in the developing world,” Langer says.
This quantum dot tattoo patch does not need cold storage, and it can be self-applied. The leaders of many countries are now pushing for their entire populations to be vaccinated. Why oh why? That's my question. All this fuss over a virus that a reasonably healthy person can recover from. It is because a new system is about to be put in place. It seems reasonable to me that the vaccine pass will be connected to a digital currency system. After all, many economies of the world are failing/struggling. I think there is a good possibility that this quantum dot tattoo featuring the micro-needle array delivery system will be the next vaccine that is promoted by governments.
I think there must be something present in the vaccine that they want everyone to have in their body. The researchers that I have studied have made the claim that these same biosensors are already present within all of the current "vaccines." I have looked at the research and in my view there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate the presence of these biosensors within the current "vaccines." I understand that while some Christians may disagree with taking the "vaccines," they don't see sufficient evidence that points to the presence of these biosensors. I do think there will be even more evidence regarding these experimental gene therapy shots coming out that will further support my position in the near future.
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