Oh, dear, someone might accuse you of yelling and being peevish if you use a larger than
normal font. Interestingly enough, many have been caught in their lies, including you.
Like here, comparing being vaxxed to gang rape. Jeepers.
normal font. Interestingly enough, many have been caught in their lies, including you.
Like here, comparing being vaxxed to gang rape. Jeepers.
And being gang raped by needles is MY OPINION of the phenomenon. Are you denying me the right to my opinion?
Rabid pro-vaxxers are notorious for denying free opinion and/or rights in favor of mob rule and government tyranny.
BTW.....there are Christians who will NEVER take the jab. And I know personally of entire families of HUNDREDS who have also said nyet. NOBODY has been vaxxed. Not a one. Total commitment to REFUSE. And nobody will. So what is your opinion of that my dear? Prison and torture for the refusers?
BTW, I would NEVER deny YOUR RIGHT to be vaxxed. Have at it. Booster shots too....as many as you like.
And since YOU are super vaxxed with mega boosters, YOU DONT NEED ME TO BE VAXXED because you are supercharged with immunity.
So no harm and no foul to you if I do not get vaxxed.
So why exactly do you want me to get vaxxed again? Please elaborate.
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