All of Canada is bilingual, except for the providence of Quebec. They're bilingual too, however, they will only speak French and pretend they can't understand English. Every country has a group that everyone else laughs at. The States have New Jersey. (And I'm from NJ, so not quite the put-down it sounds like.) Canada has Quebec. lol
I think Canadians would know?
Montreal is still pretty bilingual..I was just there about a year ago for my interview with the American Consulate so I could live and work in the US LEGALLY and pay taxes and have LEGAL documents
anything north of Montreal and most people are French speaking or broken English
as you go south of Montreal, you will find more and more people who are bilingual
there are pockets of English speaking people who speak only English but fewer and fewer and most of those used to live in the Town of Mt Royal which is where the rich English people lived in their mansions, which have pretty much been taken over by nouveau riche French speaking people who have broken free of the Catholic church and don't believe in having 23 children anymore
the rich English and the middle English have mostly left for Ontario and points farther west and a few east
end of lesson for today