Depends on what you mean by "turned to him." If it means they repent of their sin, start to study the Bible for themselves and get grounded in truth and sound doctrine I say fantastic. If it means they continue to be influenced by false ideas about Christ and Christianity perpetuated by The Chosen, Inc., well, not so good.
Yeah, when I was seeking God, I didn't need a movie production to help me with any of that. God led me to a neighborhood Bible study that was lead by a very godly guy who prayed to God about the content of each and every Bible study meeting he conducted. From that, I received a Bible in a translation I finally understood and a good church to go to. I did get encouragement to start praying to God by a friend who wasn't even saved at that time (he is very sweet though even so), but God must have known he'd get saved too years later.
All I'm saying is that people don't need anything fancy at all to find God. People just need to go to God Himself for all of that.
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