This is pretty disturbing. Here's a screen shot from a Captain America movie from 2011. They've been planning this virus scamdemic for at least 10-15 years, maybe longer. My guess is that the globalist (socialist authoritarian) conspirators conjured up the environmental/global warming scam probably back in the 1970's to coerce world governments into adopting socialist socioeconomic policies . Then over the last couple of decades around the 1990's and going into 2000's it became apparent to them that their fake "movement" had stalled out from lack of cooperation from non-complicit governments like the U.S. Impatient from a lack of progress and no longer having any confidence in the global warming scam they brainstormed and decided to bring the communist Chinese into their circle and apparently came up with this fake world wide virus pandemic scam to crash the world economy, initialize the descent of capitalism, and begin the march towards one world government, controlled by them of course. Who knows, maybe they've been linked up with the communists from the beginning. It's my opinion that the mask mandates are designed to psychologically condition the population for authoritarian control. Nobody likes it, but they're being made to put the masks on anyway, whether they like it or not, whether they believe the masks are effective or not. And the people are actually conforming and doing it. They probably can't even believe it was so easy.
So when they originally brainstormed their virus pandemic plan and strategically considered all the possible scenarios after the implementation of it, they knew a certain percentage of the worlds population would see through this fraudulent pandemic. Putting this clue in this movie scene is merely an attempt at creating fear in the minds of the people who they projected would see through the fraud. This fear tactic is targeted at us. I guess they figured hey, there's gonna be a sizeable amount of people in the world who are not gonna be deceived, and since they're not gonna faked out like we want them to be anyway, let's just try to take those people down with fear and let them have a look at the scale of what they're up against, how long we've been planning this, and how deep the evil is that they're up against. It's a scare tactic that they planned ahead for.
And here's evidence that the COVID death counts were massively exaggerated to create the fake pandemic. I'm not saying the virus isn't real and that a lot of real people haven't died from COVID 19, but probably not to many more than the seasonal flu. COVID 19 is certainly not the black plague or small pox by any stretch of the imagination.
Here's evidence that face masks are no effective barrier against viruses (like common sense didn't tell us that already). The COVID virus is appoximately 100 nanometers across and the spaces in between the fibers of a mask are 3000 nanmoeters across. The masks may stop viruses suspended in saliva droplets but are no barrier whatsoever to airborn COVID from coughs.
There's many more articles on the internet at this point in time describing evidence that's fabric face masks are no barrier to airborn viruses.
This is all pretty disturbing. But you know, these antichrists taking over are no greater antichrists than the Roman empire back in the early centuries. The Roman empire tortured and killed Christians for hundreds of years if they did not bow down and pay homage to their pagan gods. Shall we fear these antichrists more than them? I think not.
Our God shall reign in glory for ever and ever and there will be no end to His kingdom.