I grew up in the deep segregated south. I saw first hand what hate can do.
Of course there was some hate by persons like KKK. But I don't think that there was the widespread hate that we see now, like from the good citizens of Ferguson. There was an attitude of superiority among whites in the south and a disdain for the "colored." But they could give them their used clothes!
Can you not see the drastic difference between the old segregationist south and what we have now?
This is just IMHO, my take on it, but I think that integration as an ideal lasted maybe 1 year (around 1969-70), quickly replaced by "black pride," and multiculturalism, back to segregation actually. The country went about integration wrong, trying to bus children across town. If they had been serious about integration, they would have passed checker board real estate laws, making it illegal or uneconomic to have segregated neighborhoods. Say at least every other house had to be sold to a white person and at least every 3rd house to an afro-American, something like that.
It seems to me that many white persons wanted to be color-blind, but that black persons by and large see things through pigmentation glasses. We have black police associations, black this & black that, black caucus, black postal workers association. The Hispanics are doing the same thing. There are Miss Latin Beauty contests, our Hispanic hero award, etc. Now how long will it be before white organizations arise to oppose this? Will there be a white policeman's association? Just being one group of humans doesn't seem possible.
Of course Christians are in fact a distinct race. But what is more segregated than Sunday morning at churches?
Let's wait for the Grand Jury to complete it's investigation before jumping to conclusions.
Those are words of real wisdom, but in fact grand jury proceedings are not releasable to the public. Top secret. Now if a grand jury refuses to indict, I think a real possibility if that state has grand jury, then we would not get to know the evidence. Of course if the state grand jury does not indict, we can expect the "Justice" Dept to have a go on their own, violation of civil rights. Somehow this country ignores the injustice of double jeopardy in alleged crimes of white man on black man.