I believe what I was taught as a Roman Catholic: Jesus died for my sins. And, that I must follow what Jesus taught while he LIVED, or he LIVED IN VAIN.
Intolerence is an awful thing. Many people leave their faith because of it and that is very sad.
PS: Faith means belief. You either do or you do not. I DO. That said, I do not judge anyone here and it makes me sad that I am being judged for what I was taught and what I believe as a result of those teachings. Jesus did not die in vain. His teachings are central and paramount and if we do not try to follow those teachings, then we cannot call ourselves real Christians. I never see ONE word about Jesus's life and teachings .. why is that? If Jesus thought we couldn't do it/be good enough, then why did He teach about love, compassion, and how we are to BEHAVE. I really believe we have to live our Faith. Faith and works (works to me means trying to do as Jesus asked us) go together.
This will be my last post and I am sure no one will be sorry to see me leave. I wish you all well.