It's now down to the lowest it's been since the pandemic.
Finally, after how many years? Big deal. The damage is already done! What is it now? Like 2.5-2.9%? It was even lower than that under Trump. Where did it top out under Biden? Like around 9%? I can tell a big difference economically from Trump to Biden. My wife and I went from spending $150 a week on groceries to $200 a week. We used to spend $14-$15 for two meals at Chick-fil-A under Trump to $21-22 for those same two meals under Biden. Gas is higher under Biden. A synthetic oil change went from costing around $60 under Trump to over $100 under Biden. Within the last year I had to buy a new car battery and could not believe it cost $220 and $1,000 for 4 new tires installed. The last time I bought a new car battery, and 4 new tires installed it cost significantly less than that. Our homeowner's insurance keeps jumping ever since Biden took office. Our county has been sued by multiple cities because they raised property taxes significantly in 2023. Some people saw over 100% increase the last time around! That has never happened before. Everything is up! Utility bills keep jumping as well. Costs to travel including lodging. It's not just me either. I've heard many people complain about the cost of living ever since Biden took office, but you go right ahead and keep defending him.
Crime is lower than when Trump left office.
Crime had nowhere to go but down after Trump's last year in office. Remember the summer of love during 2020? Burning down buildings, looting, murder and attacking the police was all done in the name of democracy? Crime was especially rampant during that time, but it did not fit the narrative so the msm basically swept it under the carpet and all we heard about over the last 4 years was J6 and we still keep hearing about it. Kamala Harris referred to J6 as the worst attack on democracy since the civil war. What a complete exaggeration! But it fits the left-wing narrative which tickles the ears of folks who suffer from a severe case of TDS. So, what about 911? That would have been the correct answer in regard to worst attack on democracy since the civil war. Based on the direction we are heading in America we may eventually see another civil war.
I hear the left talk about crime being down, but all I hear about is that crime is still bad, even to this day. I hear a lot about problems with shop lifting and car theft in the city I live in, when I used to rarely hear about that. Ever since the "defund the police" movement and the now "soft on crime" policies criminals have been emboldened and don't worry about consequences as much these days. Something else my wife and I notice all the time is people driving with expired temporary tags on their cars. Sometimes those tags have been expired up to a year. Her and I used to never see that until the soft on crime administration took office.
Where have you been? The stock market has been booming.
I've been right here. Booming or just finally bouncing back? Now under Trump it was booming! Many of us at work were all praising Trump for great returns from the stock market and some of us more than doubled our money under Trump!

Thanks to Trump, I reached my goal amount for retirement, so I moved my money to a safer fund and will leave it there. No more roller coaster rides. Under Biden it was a whole different story.
Biden’s stock market record by 2022 was the second worst since Jimmy Carter.
Biden’s stock market record so far is the second worst since Jimmy Carter | CNN Business
The border has been closed since President Biden issued his EO. Again, where have you been?
So, he just recently finally did that? For how long? It is an election year. What's his angle for doing that and will it last? Regardless, the damage is already done! How many millions of ILLEGAL immigrants have poured across the border ever since he took office? This ILLEGAL immigration invasion of America is not only irresponsible, it's criminal! But people who hate America don't care.
We were still at war in Afghanistan during the entirety of Trump's term.
That war had been going on long before Trump took office, and it ended very badly under Biden. His botched withdrawal in Afghanistan got 13 US Marines killed! Under Biden we now have the war between Russian and Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war. We also have Jewish students facing a hostile environment during pro-Palestinian protests in America and I'm sick of seeing these protesters burn American flags, deface monuments and in some cases, even chant death to America! Why do we tolerate this in America? Do Jewish lives matter?
And all our pets are in peril! Dogs and cats living together! It'll rain frogs!
I guess then genocide of indigenous population, slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, etc. were just fine with God, but electing Democrats is just too much?
Genocide of indigenous population? Sounds like abortion and also reminds me of Covid. I see where this is going with slavery and segregation, which ended years ago. Slavery existed even back in the Old Testament days and in some parts of the world still does exist today. Exploiting racism has worked out great for Democrats. Why stop now? There have been wrongs from the past in America where strides have been taken to make right. There are no perfect countries. Including America, but recently, America just keeps spiraling downward. Race relations were the best I had ever seen while my son was still in school just before Obama took office. Then that changed fast. Embracing homosexuality, allowing men to compete with woman in sports and share the same locker room, pushing abortion rights as if it's such an important right and calling the right to murder innocent babies' freedom. Trump gave the power to decide back to the states, yet that's not good enough for Democrats. They want full blown rights to murder babies in all states. How do think God feels about homosexuality and the murder of innocent babies? Do you believe that God honors the democratic party? I doubt He honors very many politicians at all, yet it always seems to come down to the lesser of two evils as they say.
Tell me, are you supportive of Trump's plan to have the National Guard force their way into your house, whether you allow it or not?
Oh, like that's going to happen. Sounds more like a democratic plan. The FBI had no problem forcing their way into people's homes while rounding up people who were in or near the Capitol on J6. There for a while I thought FBI stood for Following Biden's Instructions.