Yea it didn't really take much to see that coming from months and miles away. A big thing to look for is if she repents somewhat and conforms herself to Christian values and thus shows herself to be the one with the potential to lead the democrat party out of belonging wholly to the Devil, or if she doubles down on the democrat anti-Christ platform and seals her fate. If she conforms herself to Christianity somewhat though she may stand a chance, don't underestimate her. The biggest thing to look for is if in the intervening years here if she marries her longterm boyfriend, takes his name, and has a kid. If she does this then not only would this show she personally repents by sacrificing her demonic ego that was formed in her by the demonic democrat ideology, but it would be a greater sign that she could lead the democrats out of being wholly the party of anti-Christ and thereby realistically govern the nation without God just cursing it into the ground.