I'm not going to be bullied into silence and go quietly in the night. I'm going to post a slew of stories that will show just how quickly we are descending into a fascist state. If freedom loving Americans don't soon rise up, we may not be able to later These are just reports from TODAY!!
Here is the supposed super expert himself saying 2 months ago this is nothing to be concerned about:
While simultaneously releasing many criminals, judges and jurisdictions are putting GPS ankle monitors and threatening arrest and imprisonment to citizens who have committed no crimes and broken no laws for refusing to self quarantine:
Here we have Google giving authorities, WITHOUT A WARRANT, phone location records of private citizens who are suspected of leaving their homes:
What did this poor soul, who was arrested and faces fines and up to 6 months in prison do? He had the audacity to go paddle boarding ALONE in the GIGANTIC ocean!
Have a friend or relative in Delaware but live in say.... Maryland with Maryland license plates? Expect to get pulled over, questioned and told you MUST either turn around or face a 2 week quarantine:
You say "Ok, ok, all of those temporary loss of freedoms and injustices are only till the curve is flattened and we have less cases. THEN we'll get all our freedoms back." Well here is "hero" Fauci telling us NO! We can't end this insanity until we have ZERO cases!!
So who knows how much more time we have to save the republic. Tomorrow may bring "rules" and "guidelines" that say there will be fines and penalties for speaking out against the authoritarian crackdowns.
One day we may look back and say, "why didn't anybody stop this tyranny!?" Well NOW is all of our chance.