But it's okay right? Once we join the club we can do anything we want right? Once saved always saved?
So you'll be able to pal around with Hitler, Dick Cheney and child rapists in Heaven. Because as long as they were once saved, always saved. Because God just stops judging once you join the club right?????
It is sad, but this believe could be dangerous in some hands
I had once a debate on this with catholic priest. I always thought that idea of never loosing salvations is strictly calvinistic and RCC is in opposite of this scale. But actually, he told me, that RCC believe that excommunication is not total expulsion from the church (body of Christ), because you entered into church thru the baptism and it is irrevocable, you cannot deny that -and only heretics deny that. So even if they (Hitler and company) would be excommunicated, they will be still RCC sheep’s (and so Christians …for some of people). So you are excommunicated IN church (not out), excommunication just indicates the "corrective" punishment. It consists mainly of a prohibition to receive and administer the sacraments. Therefor it is not logical for RCC excommunicate someone posthumous because deceased cannot ‘correct” their sins, and one way or another they are still remains in body of Christ, if they were baptized (in RCC).
When I argued, that with this attitude is RCC indirectly supports nationalist or that it seems to be that rcc is indifferent, he just told me, that no, that catholics are
smart enough to understand.
Well, apparently they are not. I never see that much of antisemitism’s and nationalism as we have here in rcc. Just a few years, and it will be here again (hatred for the jews)
So Rcc and reformed and Calvinist are not that far away from each other, in the end. Semel pro semper, Roma locuta, causa finita...