All of this is getting a bit silly.............and would be laughable if it were not for the personal injuries and property damage going on. Especially these School kids that are now doing "walk out" demonstrations. Seriously? Anyone truly believe that these kids are Politically astute enough to actually CARE who was elected President?
Someone is organizing a lot of this stuff in my opinion, and IF the person(s) organizing these kids can be identified, they should be arrested and tried for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. But, now, that may just be me.
From what I see on TV, several of these "demonstrations" are more about "LOOK AT ME!" and these folks getting on U-Tube, or the Local, National News than their actually caring about the issues. I wonder how many of them actually VOTED? I bet no where near most of them...........No, I don't have data to support this, but it is my opinion.
As I said, this whole thing is getting a bit silly.............and would be, if it were not for.........