If he delivers on many of his intentions ? Keeping jobs in America .. re-building the American infra-structure .. healthcare overhaul ..protect social security for those who paid for it .. revamping adverse effect trade deals .. co-operating with other countries (Russia .. instead of isolating oneself) against ISIS .. stricter immigration laws. Exactly what is it that Trump hopes to accomplish that has the liberals so up in arms against him ? I won't be "debating" on this thread. I'm just curious why liberals are so against his stated intentions as POTUS ?
Well I don't hate Trump. I hate a lot of the things he does and says, and the things he stands for. But I don't hate him. If Trump does perform well as a President and keeps a lot of jobs in America, rebuilds infrastructure, protect Social Security, etc., that will definitely improve my opinion of him. However, while I will pray for him to make wise decisions, there is a lot about him that disgusts me.
He repeatedly disrespects women while claiming to respect them. Women don't even have the same constitutional rights as men because every time the Equal Rights Amendment comes up, those in charge are more interested in not changing the Constitution than protecting women. I don't feel safe with a man like Trump being able to make decisions regarding the passing of laws that protect women's rights.
Trump uses incredibly harsh language towards illegal immigrants. To some degree, immigration does need to be limited. But those making and enforcing the laws should never forget that many illegal immigrants (maybe even most) didn't come here illegally for the fun of it. They did so because the places they used to live in were terrible and for one reason or another, they couldn't come here legally. There needs to be some compassion in dealing with these people and Trump hasn't demonstrated that.
Trump has claimed that he thinks police should be able to randomly search "Muslim" neighborhoods for signs of terrorists. This violates the Constitutional rights of Muslim Americans, increases the risk of police brutality against people based on race and religion, and is reminiscent of the Gestappo.
Trump changes his mind on people and organizations depending on whether or not they help/support him, he seems unable to deal with criticism, and his cabinet choices are less than scrupulous people (despite him saying he'd weed out the corruption in the Government).
If Trump changed his views and actions to ones that honored God, I would change my opinion on him. But he has a lot of work to do. Undoubtedly God is capable of changing Trump and nothing can happen that God doesn't allow. But Trump needs to want to change and I don't know that he does.