Late, under one tar-sodden sky,
a wayfaring figure stepped into found light.
The dark's tear in seams brought day into night.
Revealing a climb up pit-fallen heights.
Slight, past the hours on watch,
two strode together while befuddled in thought.
They sloshed through the oil, clothes were covered a lot.
No water to wash in; but, hey, there was Dawn-- ..not.
Which path to choose,
which car to drive;
which streets to avoid to stay alive?
When lanes are busy,
then on which side should one reside?
Or Is it safe to weave; moreover, is it wise?
Or is it better to walk than ride?
Man, how does anyone not collide?
With all of the factors that are quick to hit,
run-you-over, and hide!
I guess the answer is to stay inside.
But did you not hear about how kids are starting to fly?
Talk about getting high!
There's less time to hear them.
or to see them.
Forget about the weekend cruise.
Now it is the diverless that snags the views,
today's teen is app-chatting while drone-shooting
global news.
Yay, more options from which to choose!
And yet I am still looking for some right-fit shoes.
Wait, what if that's the a clue.
I need a driverless, flying, drone-type shoe--
to capture the speed of Nike,
a versatile triple-threat.
and I need the surpassing greatness of an underdog who wins the mega match.
But what good is it to have the right idea,
the right capabilities?
If just doing less seems like so much more?
Still, that is the answer.
Stronger than steel--
like superman-- but real.
I need to be still.
This does not mean slacking in what's conducive.
Rather, I need to be attentive to what's Spoken.
Automated replies, bots, and whatnots--
They are not the cream of the crop--
Whenever I'm Called, I'll stop trying and choosing.
God, wherever you want me, help me in what you want me to be doing.
First reflection is inspired by a dead fan that started working... It inspired the first part. The second part was inspired by equally lifeless humor... not. The second reflection was me writing without a road-map. And look where it got us!
I hope your decisions and actions are to the glory of God, and not for the praises of man-- including oneself.
Additionally, I am no authority on the subjects mentioned.

So who cares what I "hope."
July 10 2018