Some observations.. and hopefully helpful tips.
Purple font foreground against purple background=
hard to read..
Use darker font on a lighter background, and vice versa.
Cannot read the book and verse
AT ALL because it is
too small and blends in with the rest of the purple ..

Enlarge it and use darker font.
Can just barely see the "love, Magenta" because once again,
it blends in instead of standing out. Make it darker.
Purple flowers against purple background, makes them
hard to see, and almost impossible to tell they're flowers.

Change the color of the flowers.
Can just barely spot the gecko.. It looks like a
small blue blur.
Here's a tip; when using a
lighter foreground, use a
darker background. And when using a
darker foreground, use a
lighter background. That way, the things in your pictures will stand out, and be easier to see, rather than just blend in and disappear.