We've done this twice before, and I think it's time for another round . This is a thread in which we ask each other questions, usually ones specific to specific users, but general ones are fine as well. Don't get banned peeps, but ignore questions you don't want to answer. I couldn't think of every single (pun?! ) person who has been in this forum over the past year, so the first one is for everyone.
All (as in, this question is for everyone, especially those who I didn't post a specific question for): How has Jesus most comforted or enthralled you, if you've met Him already? If you haven't met Him, then I think the best question is "would you like to PM any questions you have ?"
1_StillWaters: Do you have any sisters? If so, are they part of the reason that you choose to be single ?
AsIfInPassing: Could you please post a link to your favorite song out of all the ones you wrote, Reece, and tell us why it's your fave?
AziziLoveChrist: Is there anything you'd like to share with us about how you came to know that Jesus is the Savior instead of just a prophet? I don't want to compromise anyone's safety, but I'd love to know as much of the story as you're willing to share .
AzureAfire: I may need your assistance in the question I asked Desyple . Oops, that's not a question. Um, could you help me in a few sentences?
Becky1984: What's your favorite memory from childhood?
Chainhand: Ever vomited while hiccuping? If so, what happened?
Desyple: Matthew, are you going to surrender your ice cream peacefully, or do Marsi and I have to take it from you?
DuchessAmiee: What made you decide to pursue a nursing degree?
FourLeaf: You mentioned awhile back that you were healed from allergies. I'd love to hear the story; was it suddenly, or over time ?
GraceLikeRain: Would you tell us more about your business? Did you start it yourself or buy it already running?
HarpyEagle: Could you explain the bunny/eagle thing? Are you both species at once, or do you change when flying is needed or fur would be a detriment?
iTOREtheSKY: Do you impersonate Ray Romano as well, or only Jerry Seinfeld?
JessicaMae: How did you meet Jesus? I know your page says that it was recently. Welcome to the family !
JoyOfLord: According to your profile, you got saved when you were an adult. Did a friend invite you to church? I'd love to know more .
KenThomas: Have you ever detonated a toilet? If so, did you make a video of the explosion? If so, will you please post a link to it in this thread ?
LilChristian: What's the funniest thing your dog ever did?
Maxwel: Do you have any depth perception issues? I know a single eye can do that, but I was thinking that since your eye is in the middle of your forehead it may not be a hindrance in that way.
MissCris: Cheese?
NodMyHeadLikeYeah: Pizza?
Popclick: Root beer floats?
ptlMan: Could you please share your favorite story of someone getting saved in prison, David ?
SeoulSearch: To get Aaron back on the site did you have to threaten to take his power tools away, or did you just ask nicely?
ServantStrike: The notion on dates that involve 10 protective men per sister in Christ on the actual date made me laugh. Could you elaborate more for my amusement ?
Shouryu: I recall you posting a recipe for savory oatmeal that I later looked for for an hour or so one morning and couldn't find. Do ya mind re-posting it? I guess I should ask you a musical question as well. If forced to explain musical theory in ten sentences or less (preferably five or fewer), how would you phrase it? If the thought of doing such a thing makes you want to pass out, I'll ask you a different question.
WiseBeardMan: Do you have any pets?
xAlphaOmega: That was neat about your rescue from alcoholism. Would you like to share more about it?
YuanYuan: Could you share with us some of the things God has been doing in China?
Zaoman32: Does your screenname rhyme with MayoCanSquirtyShoe or MeowPinDirtyChew? Or perhaps a combo; IDK.
All (as in, this question is for everyone, especially those who I didn't post a specific question for): How has Jesus most comforted or enthralled you, if you've met Him already? If you haven't met Him, then I think the best question is "would you like to PM any questions you have ?"
1_StillWaters: Do you have any sisters? If so, are they part of the reason that you choose to be single ?
AsIfInPassing: Could you please post a link to your favorite song out of all the ones you wrote, Reece, and tell us why it's your fave?
AziziLoveChrist: Is there anything you'd like to share with us about how you came to know that Jesus is the Savior instead of just a prophet? I don't want to compromise anyone's safety, but I'd love to know as much of the story as you're willing to share .
AzureAfire: I may need your assistance in the question I asked Desyple . Oops, that's not a question. Um, could you help me in a few sentences?
Becky1984: What's your favorite memory from childhood?
Chainhand: Ever vomited while hiccuping? If so, what happened?
Desyple: Matthew, are you going to surrender your ice cream peacefully, or do Marsi and I have to take it from you?
DuchessAmiee: What made you decide to pursue a nursing degree?
FourLeaf: You mentioned awhile back that you were healed from allergies. I'd love to hear the story; was it suddenly, or over time ?
GraceLikeRain: Would you tell us more about your business? Did you start it yourself or buy it already running?
HarpyEagle: Could you explain the bunny/eagle thing? Are you both species at once, or do you change when flying is needed or fur would be a detriment?
iTOREtheSKY: Do you impersonate Ray Romano as well, or only Jerry Seinfeld?
JessicaMae: How did you meet Jesus? I know your page says that it was recently. Welcome to the family !
JoyOfLord: According to your profile, you got saved when you were an adult. Did a friend invite you to church? I'd love to know more .
KenThomas: Have you ever detonated a toilet? If so, did you make a video of the explosion? If so, will you please post a link to it in this thread ?
LilChristian: What's the funniest thing your dog ever did?
Maxwel: Do you have any depth perception issues? I know a single eye can do that, but I was thinking that since your eye is in the middle of your forehead it may not be a hindrance in that way.
MissCris: Cheese?
NodMyHeadLikeYeah: Pizza?
Popclick: Root beer floats?
ptlMan: Could you please share your favorite story of someone getting saved in prison, David ?
SeoulSearch: To get Aaron back on the site did you have to threaten to take his power tools away, or did you just ask nicely?
ServantStrike: The notion on dates that involve 10 protective men per sister in Christ on the actual date made me laugh. Could you elaborate more for my amusement ?
Shouryu: I recall you posting a recipe for savory oatmeal that I later looked for for an hour or so one morning and couldn't find. Do ya mind re-posting it? I guess I should ask you a musical question as well. If forced to explain musical theory in ten sentences or less (preferably five or fewer), how would you phrase it? If the thought of doing such a thing makes you want to pass out, I'll ask you a different question.
WiseBeardMan: Do you have any pets?
xAlphaOmega: That was neat about your rescue from alcoholism. Would you like to share more about it?
YuanYuan: Could you share with us some of the things God has been doing in China?
Zaoman32: Does your screenname rhyme with MayoCanSquirtyShoe or MeowPinDirtyChew? Or perhaps a combo; IDK.
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