How is everyone? Haven’t been on in awhile lol.
So funny thing happened last night. Well not really funny. So anyway, Around 4:30pm I got a txt from my sister that our two dogs got outta the gate. Now these two dogs are quite, let’s say “selective hearing” in who they listen to lol my sister tried driving everywhere to find them. Still no luck. I got home like two hours, and still hadn’t been found. I rang my other sister and she picked me up and we went to try and find them.
I was praying and encouraged my sisters to pray as well.
As my sister was about to give up, we get a call from the dog pound that a kind samaritan found them and handed them in.
Praise God!
So we went to pick them up and by then it was 7pm, cold and raining a little. The dogs were crying when we got there and were absolutely happy to see us
Anyway, this reminded me how much God loves us, but also His creatures that He created. And also that He sends people and uses them to help answer our prayers in times of need and distress. This kind samaritan was used as part of Gods plan to bring our boys home.
I thought I’d share this with you all

I miss you all and pray that God continues to send those people (and even Angels in disguise) to help rescue you in times of trouble.
Cos das how God rolls 😎😉🙏🏽😊❤️