I lean toward strong coffee beans but I love Arabica the most common one out there. The two most commonly grown are arabica and robusta. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed, and dried. Dried coffee seeds are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor. Personally and ironically, the only reason I have 1,334 copies of her video clip has nothing to do with coffee at all - it has to do with the mesmerizing qualities it possesses.After 5 hours of watching it I can be asleep with my eyes still open staring...trust me I've tried it! That kind of productivity ironically beats drinking the stuff!
Wait What? I think I had 13 cups watching as well - so theres that too.......LOL

WhY WoN'T ThAt ThiNg JuSt FilL Up AlReAdY!!!!!! IT KeEpS PoUrInG BuT It NeVeR GeTs HiGhEr - ThE PiLe!