I was preparing to eat an apple a few days ago, and because I did not want it fridge-cold, I put it in some hot water to gently speed up the warming process. A little while later, when I thought it was ready to eat, I could see the water had made visible whatever it is they spray on apples, for whatever purpose... and it did not look pretty at all
I scrubbed and scrubbed that apple trying to remove the film that had been invisible prior to the soaking, all to no avail
I eventually peeled the apple. Man, it has been a long time since I'd last peeled an apple! However, I may never again eat another apple without peeling it first...
I took this one of Magenta, after she ate her peeled Apple. She was so upset about that Apple, she flew high above the World to a special cloud of her own, just to play the Harp!
Hahahahahahah I is so sneaky, she never knew I was there!!!!!!

I snuck up after her, cause I love to take candid shots, & caught her de-stressing playing Heavenly music, on her Harp!!!
Bella XO
