Little Quimby died today. He wasn't gaining weight like he should have been.
Poor Ramona, now TWO of her babies are dead..
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The chatters knew something was wrong, he hadn't moved in hours. But the mods kept saying, "he's fine". :/ NO, HE'S DEAD.
This sucks.. never watching another cat give birth again on here.
The chatters knew something was wrong, he hadn't moved in hours. But the mods kept saying, "he's fine". :/ NO, HE'S DEAD.
This sucks.. never watching another cat give birth again on here.
The way I have found to deal with grief, whether of a beloved pet (I had to put down a wonderful kitty last year) or a close family member, is to think of all the joy I had with the person or cat (etc), and cry about it. The more I cry, the more value I had out of the relationship.
As I cry, I thank God that I have so much to cry about. How much worse would the relationship have been if I had nothing to cry about?
As I cry, I remember all the good moments I enjoyed with that person or pet and I grieve their loss.
I think how every tear represents a blessing in my life because of that person or pet.
I grieve the lost of so an important relationship but I thank God that I had such a rich relationship to grieve over.
And I cry as often and deeply as I feel like. The more I grieve, the deeper the relationship was and the more I can thank God for it.
You have my tears for your loss.