Good Sunday afternoon for me! I love coming in here and reading Scriptures plastered all over the walls. Ain't it grand?! I do believe that is the first time I have ever said that sentence - "Ain't it grand," Hmmm does that mean I am getting older or I just delight in diversity? Who knows?
Anyway, welcome to my humbled appreciation of all of your presence? For it is truly a present to me. (Did ya see how I played off of those words?) LOL

... I am out of Church and onto the resting part of the day - and I might say - I love this part of the day! I am happy I can spend it with you guys as well.
Good day 10-fourward - BluecatwomanLady - Earnestnest - Queen Josie - Dead - e - bear - Born_Again (graduated BA) - LoverofJesus27 - and all the ones in here watching....and all those who aren't here I miss tremendously that will show up in their shifts as we say.. LOL.

I had a great morning and even had my oil changed this weekend - No, not in me, just my car - although now that you bring it up - I do still hear squeaks in my knees, maybe I should look into that option for them too. Kidding, my knees are fine-ish. You have to be careful in here, you make a joke like that and suddenly someone is praying for you about it.

... Don't ya just love it! I do, I do love that!
I am learning balance in my life. Balancing fruit with priorities in fruiting up. I have long said, "I do not much sacrifice my time with people who need the Word, as I do sacrifice my time with people who heed the Word." I say this because if one does not venture onward and upward then, we must wait for God to get them there - all I can do is plant seed and tarry on.
But God is challenging me on this to show it in my Character. I loved coming in here every day morning and night, but God had other plans. Not that I don't pray for each of you, and love you. Not that He doesn't love us all in here as His own either - But God is showing me in my path with Him that I need to give God my priority list. This I am in the process of doing. And, This is why I am so happy to be here right now ... so blessed to be a part of you all. To rub elbows in encouragement in love and good deeds, and Scriptures Spiritual Truths, and cat fur, and food stuffs, and weather & time reports, and of course Coffee and Tea - and all of this wrapped in the love and the joy of the Lord found in those who follow Him thru the thick and thin of life. You are my peoples - and I love you all.
So, I don't do a lot of Ketching up these days, but I hope you will all share with me your lives in Christ, as I share with you mine in Christ. Lettuce spur one another one shall we? Since, I don't like waisting time anymore, does anyone have a prayer I have been praying for them answered? Do any of you have new prayers I can pray about with you as I will jot them down and pray in the Mornings, and thru-out the day?
Good to see you all.