Arrogant people can also be confident and vice versa. Seems like there isn't much of a difference to me.
It's more like someone is called confident when they're agreed with. When they are disagreed with they're called arrogant. One is a compliment and the other is a slur. It just depends how you decide to view it.
To prove that, you may believe someone is arrogant and I may believe someone is confident. Which one of us is right? Me of course. Jk
It's more like someone is called confident when they're agreed with. When they are disagreed with they're called arrogant. One is a compliment and the other is a slur. It just depends how you decide to view it.
To prove that, you may believe someone is arrogant and I may believe someone is confident. Which one of us is right? Me of course. Jk
This one is easy - I define arrogance as something that is chosen. When one is so arrogant that they close their minds to the truth, then it crosses the line of "confidence".
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