I dated an atheist years ago, but it ended abruptly , and in a rather ugly manner, after college. Although he and I were a great couple, I knew in my heart that it was 100% the right decision, and I honestly believed that I had put that period in my life behind me, but suddenly all these old feelings and memories have resurfaced and keep replaying in my mind. I mean, a constant replaying, like a CD that keeps skipping. I know I 'm not in love with him, but how do I keep the faith that my life is unfolding the way it is supposed to? I'm doubting so many of my decisions now, and I find it hard to enjoy the memories of my college years, because he is in so many of them. THis was years ago! I haven't had any problems with this before. Any advice out there? Thanks.
I can actually relate to your situation. But im kinda wondering how u got into the 100% realization about you having the right decision when u know exactly that bible commands us not to yoke with unbelievers. Anyways, twas just a thought.
You might have heard this a millionth time but ill say it anyway: PRAYERS ALWAYS WORK. God knows your heart and God knows what you desire. The fact that He made some changes in your relationship with the guy is already assurance that He cares for you so much, that He doesnt want you to suffer the serious consequences of your actions. You see, sometimes we get to follow what feels good and great without consulting our Father. And seldom, we dont realize that we are already closing our ears to what He has to say. But the good news is that, when we start to disregard Him in our lives and when we turn ours backs away from Him, He works on the other side of the situation to save us from breaking. We dont understand it instantly but the moment that we finally do, here comes the enemy trying to make us doubt God's deliverance and plans. The enemy will remind us about forgotten emotions, forgotten people,guilt, mistakes, whatever. It has always been a cycle but God's power has always been the strongest.
You said:
I find it hard to enjoy the memories of my college years, because he is in so many of them. I think you're still having like residual pains that stayed in your unconscious thoughts for a long time and you thought you've gotten over it already. Im talking about being human here. Not because you are not aware of it doesnt mean that it doesnt exist.Unless you pay close attention to details like that and really pray to overcome it, no good change can happen.
ill leave you with these 3 things:
1.God loves you so much that He wants you not to just exist but to HAVE A LIFE and have it more abundantly. Decide to drop those memories that bother you and lift it all to the Lord and rest assured that He gives rest to His people.
2. God has already declared you victorious even before you got into that situation. Pray and pray and believe that your prayers are answered.
3.Lastly, you may need diversions at times. What i can suggest is work in the ministry and continue your felllowship with people of the same faith.
You are blessed. Isa41:10 FEAR NOT FOR I AM WITH YOU; be not dismayed FOR I AM YOUR GOD. I WILL STRENTHEN YOU, YES I WILL HELP YOU....