Haha I watched 300. It was good and gory!

Didn't bother me a bit.

It's not the gore that bothers me, its context.... For example there is a movie where this young mother of two little kids is taken by the nazis and is put on a train to the prison camp. Then when she gets off the train with her two kids (around 4 yrs old), a nazi officer approaches her and says she is very beautiful. She tells her that she is christian and doesn't belong there. Her children are frightened and cold. The officer tests her with a few questions about her faith, then says that because she is christian he will let her keep one of her kids. She can't believe what he's saying so he explains that normally both her kids would be taken away (because the nazis exterminate all of the young children since they cannot work)... So she is forced to decide which child she wants to save. When she cannot decide, the officer threatens to take them both away.. I won't give away the story, but that's the kind of thing that bothers me.. (especially knowing that it really happened)
Ahhhhhh, you have a compassionate heart, just as Jesus did
I know what you mean, and it’s sad because things like that still happen in todays world. *****SPOILER ALERT, GRUSOME DETAILS FOLLOWING***** I watched this testimony where this American Christian man went to do missionary work in South Africa. On their way home, their bus got stopped by some rebels and they hopped on the bus. There was a mother and her child, maybe 3 years old sitting in the back. The rebels were being aggressive and became irritated at the mothers child as he was crying hysterically. They seperated the child with his mother and took him outside where they killed him.
The mother, saw this unfold and couldn’t bare it so ran outside to her deceased son and was beheaded as well.
The rest of the people on the bus continued on like nothing happened. Its the norms for them. The American missionary on the other hand experienced first time what it was like to live where things like that are normal.
But going back to your point, you have a heart of compassion- the same compassion that Jesus has for the lost, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that