I'm not sure what a person's hair looks like has anything to do with true beauty.🤔
Well, some hairstyles are truly unbeautiful

All I have to do is think of the average wokester.
But... I am personally of the mind that we should all do what we can with what God's given us. Some, many, will say, "the outward doesn't count", but we all know that depending on the situation or relationship, it does bear at least some significance, if not more than some. People don't want to admit this, but it's the truth.
We won't all be equally beautiful outwardly. The Twilight Zone addressed this a couple of times, and it produced dystopian societies. Neither are we all equally smart or talented. But, that does not mean that we should let ourselves go and not try. Outward / external / visual beauty exists for a reason. It enhances the quality of life. It shows self-respect. Self-respect is attractive. It also has some practical benefits.
So... while there is an inner beauty that is looks-independent (I recall a big crush I had in college on a very average-looking girl), God created visual beauty for a reason, and it should not be crapped on in the name of being more spiritual. (Not saying you crapped on it Tam... but in general, whenever this subject is brought up, it seems like an awful lot of people think physical beauty is the same as being physically homely. And, I doubt they really believe something that absurd.)
Not sure what the OP's point was, though -- unless he's just a fan of long hair on women, instead of some of the shaved / bizarro styles we're seeing the past couple of decades.