Either/or but it depends on condiments.
My question is:
Do you believe those who do NOT believe what you believe are acceptable for dating?
It depends. Personally, I would not date someone who I would not marry. So in matters of faith, they'd have to be pretty close. (though there are some exceptions). In a few other things they'd have to be close as well...e.g. Taste in music. No offense to my Christian brothers and sisters who listen to the genre, but I could never marry someone who listens to rap music

. I am totally against video games as a past time and don't care for too many movies, either. I imagine everyone's list will be somewhat different, these are just things that I couldn't live with, or that seem to herald a deeper problem in a person which I don't want to deal with.
Anyway, sorry for the sermon

Who was the best leader in history, in your opinion?