I had a nice day today i really can’t complain.
what are your plans this Sunday?
Pretty much same as always

. We live an hour away from church, so I usually get up at 6:30 or 7:00 to finish getting the food we take for potluck ready. This is a communion Sunday, so I'll hopefully get a little time to myself to read and pray before we leave. The get dressed to leave at 8:30 for the 9:30 Sunday school. Worship is 10:30. The shared meal is noon. We are a rather far-flung congregation, so we usually stick around until 2 ish talking and fellowshiping. Then back home by three, and take a short nap

. We don't have an evening service, so I usually listen to a sermon online after nap. This is also the time for personal devotions if I was unable to do them before church/in the car. If the weather is nice, there is usually time for a quick walk, too

We milk the cows at six and supper (usually leftovers or popcorn) is at 7:30. During supper whoever is gathered shares the notes they took away from the sermon, so we all have a chance to hear new perspectives on what was said and cement it in our memories

. Then we do kitchen clean up and Skype my absent brother

. After that it is pretty much family devotions and bed so...it ends up being a very full day! But it is all restful activities for soul and body, so I'm not complaining
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