I'm dating a wonderful woman who was raised in a Presbyterian church, but now attends a Methodist church... long story, and not mine to tell. I am from a... more conservative denomination, but for that group I am slightly liberal and significantly more charismatic (some people at my church are offended by others raising their hands or clapping during worship).
When I had considered dating, I was inclined to look for someone of my own background/denomination in hopes of giving a greater foundation of common values to build the relationship on. I was not looking for someone when my sweetie came along, and I waited to broach the subject of religion until it was almost certain that we would be more than simply social acquaintances. I have been blessed that she understand that leaving my church congregation would be like leaving family. I am doubly blessed that this past Sunday she has begun attending some services with me there. We talk about our beliefs, and what we hold to be core, salvation issues. We both accept that there is much in "denominationalism" that is merely the preferences of man and not edicts of God. We are talking through those preferences as we hold them, and learning more about one another based on what they prefer and why. Best of all, though, she has already said that if this does lead to a long term and lasting relationship that she assumes that she should attend the church I attend. We're both modern people, with fully open minds, but we both come back around to old fashioned values. She, to my pleasure, includes in that list of values that a man should be a spiritual leader - of his household, if not more. I don't have to be an elder, a deacon, a pastor, worship leader, or any other title holding leader within the church... though there are ways in which I do lead within the church (and even more ways in which I serve!) ...but as the spiritual leader of the relationship, I am charged with ensuring that we attend somewhere that will lead us both.