Well, its been a very busy week for me, I thank God for this day of rest, so, blessedly given us by God for our lives to be best blessed , given to us in the very beginning of human time on Earth. God rested, we should rest, and, maybe, as, I'version taken a bit of time here to get to my next thought about Solomon....
But I did like what you say mamared, establishing what love is is maybe what those 'in love' as thimsrebma, said , is diff from 'loving someone.' Maybe the distinction of those TWO quoted words is what Solomon could have used a healthy dose of (700 doses) for his love life. Solomon was with 700 wives and another 300 others (harem, concubines) too. Was God pleased with this way of doing things (polygamy)?
Absolutely not pleased. And, 2 Kings book in the bible does SPEAK of God not pleased with Solomon .
Well, and, sorry, Riss, Psalms, I said I would get to library to read that LINK, and, yeah, I guess I can copy and paste it maybe in my mytouch 4g but, the Lord leads, and not done yet, I will still try to get to it
. Busy week dealing with rat feces and paper and junk in my warehouse and last week and this are for cleaning it up completely. But, Yes, Solomon did bad things.
I think Song Of Solomon shows a beautiful example of love, bug it does not show a beautiful example of God's love.
Whoa ! Green , you're flooring me! Why not??
Good question, if you ask that, and, I said I wanted to say more about Solomon and now I will and I will warn you that what I am about to say I pray is God speaking through me (Dear Lord...Amen).
Solomon was not following God's ways (either was the Shulamite girl that Solomon was in love with), this is apparent because who is not mentioned at all throughout the entire book of Song of Solomon??
God !
This SOS book describing a playful courtship, an ensuing wedding and celebration and a merriful post-wedding lifelong bliss minus a blip or two along the way where he leaves her, is without God.
My God !
Your God!
Our God!
Ok, so, of course, if you read my earlier posts, you see where I say that what is said by me was interpreted WRONG , as far as SOS book goes.. But definitely NOT wrong as far as a courtship should go, that is, AWAKENING LOVE.
God absolutely needs to be in the center of you relationship, if you awaken love in you without God onboard, you will get in trouble and God will be left out of helping you because you will have closed the door without Him.
So, I will close by saying, in this verse. (King James Version): 'Do not awaken or stir up love until he pleases,' is talking of a human warning . Or, in another version's it says, God's Word translation, 'Do not awaken love before its proper time.'
Another version, forget which, says, 'do not awaken love before she pleases.'
These verses ALL say the same thing then, since God is present in entire book of Solomon, they ALL say , as I see it, that 'he pleases,' refers to lady not becoming aroused until the man says so.....
No ! That is wrong, we should not AWAKEN love until God says so. Right? Right.
Perfect love is from God. God is love.
So, whether it's 'she pleases,' or, 'he pleases,' or, 'its proper time,' it is WRONG way to think of how YOU should AwaKEN love inside you. It MUST be God
As Twila Paris says, 'How beautiful,' in one of her songs .
How beautiful is the Love of Christ and, poor Solomon who, YES!, wrote a beautiful book here but it is glaringly UGLY no matter how beautiful it sounds without ....Christ.