You are not going to like the sound of this brother, BUT.....
In my opinion the Church the Body of Christ has absolutely no DEMAND placed upon it regarding children and marriage. Worshiping at the feet of Christ and the Great Commission is all that matters. Everything else is noise.
We are not part of this world. This world is not our home. We are only tabernacling here. We have a heavenly inheritance, not earthly. We are in Christ and Christ is in us. We are the culmination of all of Gods work, promises and blessings from eternity past to eternity future. And other than preaching the gospel and saving souls, this life is irrelevant. Our second birth is the only birth that really matters.
Married people and single people have a lot more on their plates than worshipping and the Great Commission. We need to work, shower, buy food, take care of ourselves, serve, help our parents, raise our children, go to school, a lot of things and are to workship and carry out the GC all the while. Married folks and those with children have even more responsibilites and there is nothing evil about any of them. They are necessary. Loving your wife like Christ loved the church is worship. Cleansing her with the washing of the word is worship. Teaching your children the word of God and disciplining them is worship.
God even says having many children is a blessing. The more children the more responsibility God places on the parents. The whole family unit glorifies God, it's his idea and civilization needs it.