If you are asking whether women should be involved in ministry, my answer is yes. The Great Commission was given to all of us. All of those who make up the body of Christ are to be involved in one of type ministry or another.
However, if your question is whether women should be in positions of authority over men in the Church, my answer would have to be no. The scriptures from Corinthians and James quoted above make this very clear. It is the model for the role of women within the body of Christ (the New Covenant). The gentleman who said that Adam was given authority over Eve is absolutely right. This was the order established by God Himself BEFORE the fall and BEFORE the giving of the law. It's the way God wants things done.
God is the same yesterday, today and forever, His ways are higher, and I find it very difficult to accept that He's willing to lower His standards just because society thinks He should. As zero said above, if we start throwing out scriptures that don't line up with changes in our "culture", what's next? Will abortion, gay marriage and perhaps even euthanasia become acceptable to the Church? Are we going to rip pages from our Bibles that don't fit our lifestyles and paste in the new stuff?
Yes, Deborah was a judge. We still have female judges in our court systems today. Yes, there are things mentioned in the law that those who are hidden in Christ no longer observe. We are saved by grace. We are not under the law (the old covenant).
I also agree that there are many women who are gifted writers, teachers, etc., and I see no problem with a man CHOOSING to stop for a moment, listen and consider godly wisdom when he hears it. But that is not giving the woman he's listening to authority over him. At some point my son will become a man and I will no longer have authority over him. That doesn't mean it would be wise for him to ignore wisdom I may share with him that is born of study, prayer and experience.
There are many opportunities for women to serve in ministry within the church that do not place a woman in authority over men. If ANYONE, within the body of Christ wants to serve others, there's always something that can be done. Jesus called us to feed the hungry, visit those in prison, care for the sick/orphans/widows. If everyone is the head, who will be the hands, feet and other parts that are so very important?
Jesus taught that those who were least in the Kingdom would be the greatest. He stressed service, not power and authority.
I've tried doing things the way I thought they should be done in my life, and I've found that doing it God's way is always best.