This is but one of the many reasons for wanting the married life - a trusted-closest-best-friend (the way it should be in a marriage, at least) - who you could talk to about 'certain' things that you would never talk to anyone else about.
However, in my original post, when I said I was frustrated that I couldn't find anyone in the church to talk to, I should clarify that in this context, what I meant was that I was trying to find older women in the church whom I could ask advice without fear of shame or dismissal ("Just pray," "Just get more involved in church," "Just start serving others.")
Here's an example: What do you do when you're at a friend's house, and someone suddenly says, "Hey guys, watch this!" and they start playing a porn movie (and these are kids from your Lutheran high school.) And it's not just any porn movie. It's an anime "movie" where women are being sexually tortured by demonic creatures and then murdered either during or right after sex.
Now I realize that most anyone would say, "If something like that happens, just leave," or "You shouldn't have been there."
But it wasn't a party, and it wasn't something anyone could have predicted, because I had just gone over to talk with a friend, and one of his friends had put on the movie. I tried my best to ignore it (yeah, sure... How does one ignore something like that?)
And I did leave, but I remember being in a state of shock as I drove home, because at the time, I was just in my teens and I didn't even know these kinds of things existed. (And when I see our younger brothers and sisters here rave about Japanese anime, I'm always praying that they never get into this kind of stuff.)
I wished I had an older woman at the church I could ask about this, because I was literally shell-shocked -- Is this what guys wanted? Is this really what they watch in their spare time? How on earth am I going to get into a relationship with a guy, knowing that this is what's running through his head? I wanted to be able to ask a Christian woman with enough life experience to know that I wasn't acting out of rebellion or evil intention, and would be able to tell me more about how men think and what to expect if I ever got into a relationship with a guy.
I also needed someone to ask about how to stop experiment with eating disorder behaviors (not eating, eating too much, purging, obsession with calories, secretly buying Dexatrim and caffeine pills and taking them throughout the day,) because guys only liked thin girls. I needed to ask how to stop self-destructing, because when someone noticed the cuts on my arms -- and couldn't do anything to help -- I started cutting my ankles low enough to be hidden by socks and shoes. And I needed to ask someone who knew what to do when all the praying, praising, serving, and being at church 5-7 days a week just wasn't working. I would try to ask Christian women about some of the things I was struggling with, and they would either completely ignore what I just told them, as if I hadn't said anything at all, or would dismiss it by telling me just to pray, read my Bible more. I wanted to bring them my stacks of Bibles with all the notes written in the margins, or my piles of notebooks I'd filled during my hours of studying, but it wouldn't have done any good.
I started to keep track of all the classes, ministries, and church activities I was involved in NOT as a brag sheet, but as SELF-DEFENSE against people who always tell us we just need to do more, more, MORE. Just quit your job and devote your life to Christ and serve him full-time and then your life will be in perfect obedience to God!!! Yeah, right. Because most of the full-time ministers I'd talked to -- really talked to -- were suffering just as much, or a whole lot worse, than I was.
I needed to talk to someone who, at one point, was just as lost and broken as I was, but had heard everything the other good Christians had told me and tried it all, but it failed them, and yet somehow God helped them find a way through, so they could tell me exactly, step-by-step, how they did it.
I praise God for the few but compassionate people I did find, and even if they couldn't give me the answers I was seeking, they still were able to give me another piece of the puzzle I needed. I'm still in a process -- I certainly haven't arrived there yet.
But I told God that if He was ok with it, I wanted to be one of the people that others could talk to along their journey as well, no matter how difficult or intense the problem was, and if I didn't have an answer (I usually don't,) or if that person really needed to be talking to someone, that I could help them get to the next step in their walk.
This thread is also meant to be an encouragement to singles to stand up for yourself. Don't let other people make a blanket statement that works for them and talk to you as if you need to do exactly what they're doing or there's something wrong with you if you don't. Some people seem to tell us that we need to get married or we're incomplete. Others tell us that anyone who gets married is a sucker for the taking, and you're an idiot for even thinking of getting married.
This is just my own opinion, but I say, don't take the person at face value. Ask them why they think everyone should be like them. Ask them the tough questions, and ask them how they got through it. If they're going to insist that you should live your life a certain way, at the very least, they could give us some kind of USEFUL, SPECIFIC advice, rather than constantly repeat generic mandates. And if they can't or won't answer what seems like even the most basic questions (at least to me,) how can their advice really be taken seriously.
This thread is an example of what I would ask single people who insist that single life is best (it might be... for them... but not for others.) And if someone insisted I get married? I would want to have a conversation in which I could ask them, "Do you think marriage cures a porn addiction? Because a lot of people, single and married, struggle with this issue within the church. What do you YOU think, and what advice would you have for singles? Would YOU tell them that one of the GREAT reasons to get married is because it's going to SLAY the dragon of porn addiction the very night you get married?"
If someone gets aggressive about what I "need" to do with my life, I feel it's only fair to see if they can answer a few "simple" questions in return.
Above all, we as Christians do our best to follow God's calling for our life, despite what anyone else tries to tell us what we "should" be doing, and I wish you all the very best as we all try to figure this out... together.
I am truly surprised at how many people have been so brave as to answer this thread, and I am thankful to you all for sharing with and encouraging one another.
Let's keep the walk going! (And the discussion going in this thread.)
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