Also, what gives you privilege to treat the LGBT population as you describe it to be? As "unequal" a agenda (which there is no ulterior agenda, people want to love who they love. This happened when those who are mixed races wanted to date, but the "Unequally yoked" card was played and was seen as a sin) The bible is used for a conservative agenda more than anything else...and they twist and nullify facts.
Are you afraid of this population? a lack of understanding that you have to slaughter the LGBT population, claim inequality and a certain "disgusting behavior?"
Are you kidding me? I never said scum, you said scum. Stop trying to label my efforts as something that they are not. If a person practices Homosexuality, that makes them a homosexual, not because I said they are but, because that is what they have called themselves. Slaughter? Really? Is this Iran, where we run around and collect stones? Is this the Westboro Baptist Church?
Where do you come up with this stuff? I'm guessing you missed the part of my first post where I talked about how if I didn't think that bad singing was good singing, that would make me a badsingophobe. What if I thought a car that didn't run was just as good as a car that did run, would that make me a brokedowncaraphobe?
Am I afraid or have a lack of understanding?
No, on the contrary my "Understanding" is probably better than most.
I know of no other way to illustrate the
uselessness of identifying homosexuals as a civil rights group. They are not a people, they are individuals who make decisions and self-identify with a specific culture and lifestyle. So if they are unequal, and this is the point I made in the previous post, it is because they have chosen to be and identify with that. As has been the case with most of my posts, you are only reading only what you want to read.
As a person who dates people of mixed races, that is a ludicrous statement. Trying to Label me as a Racist, is really pretty low and kind of beside the point. I feel sorry for conservatives, because I'm to guess that Liberals won't let them use the Bible to justify their positions regarding anything. Which actually is part of my reasoning for having only cited it once, and in a rather tongue in cheek way too.
Making things equal that are not equal, is a violation of your sensibilities. I've illustrated I think more than 3 times, if I'm counting right (not that the incorrect way to count should be equal to the correct way, as an incorrect counting method can't actually solve any equation and is pretty useless.) If you haven't figured it out yet, I don't know how to make it more clear to you.