Well spoken! In my experience I have seen reconciliations turn into ugly arguments. Too many times I've seen the discourse shift from the "issue" or "offence" to a personal attack, especially if the offender is having difficulty owning up to the offence. So you see the focus moving from
"Your comments were hurtful" to
"you are an idiot" or worse still,
"Your mamma....
I always pray before telling the offender that they offended me, so that I do it in a calm clearly communicated expression of what the offence was and why I am unhappy (and why its wrong). Then I give the person the chance to reflect on this and (hopefully) own up to the offence [
hey I'm talking "ideal world here]. If they do and apologize then its over and I never bring it up (with anyone) again. I will not say the words "I forgive you" if the person doesn't think that they have wronged me - I think that just exacerbates a bad situation.
"What are you forgiving me for? I haven't wronged you!" I am still prepared to forgive them and after I've cooled down I will forgive, but in that situation I will most likely remember the offence.
I try to remember that one day I may be the offender and I will be in need of forgiveness.