^^0 Lol...Arwen, your new avi... X3
In response to the thread: Um, no. Just no...
Actually though, I've found over my relationship history that guys and girls seem to have issues with this.
Me? I date (from the git go) with the end goal of marriage, 'weighing' whether or not I could spend my entire life with this person, ext...
Others? ...seem not to so much... They start as friends...maybe date casually...don't even think about marriage (which you in the picture) til pretty far down the road. In fact, I once scared off a girl by mentioning/talking about marriage (not asking her, but the general frame-work of 'let's talk about marriage, what you think, want, ext...) ...she seemed fine in the moment, but told me later it freaked her out... -_-0 Seriously? Say that up front, girl...
Anyway, I couldn't say whether or not guys or girls by gender have commitment issues, but other factors like age, mindset, experience, and so on play into the mix as well, I'm sure...