I know someone who is an expert in getting close to top level people. It was not in the right heart but many things she did worked. She laughed very hard at things they said & would repeat it with enthusiasm to others when they were around & get them to say it again. She would learn about everything that interest them. For eg. she would get a lot of information on the singer of a song they loved & they would be enthralled as they listened about details they did not know or join in conversation if they did. She read books they read, watched shows they watched & sometimes told them, well, I really don't like it but you got me interested for just this once - if she truly did not want to devote time to something she really did not like. She found paid attention & told them she really admired this or that, especially if it was an area they were uncomfortable with.
We ended up being the worst of enemies because she was a liar, but if you truly are interested in someone & not out for self, showing interest in things that are important & the little things works. Ask any Bahamian who get those large tips regularly from the tourist.