I know, but I can never seem to find myself a boyfriend who truly loves me for who I am! He always nags me for sex, and he expects me to cook and clean and do his laundry all the time, while he sits on his fat butt drinking beer watching sports! The nerve of men! When will I find a nice guy that loves me? *cries*
The other day, he told me I looked fat in my dress! What an A-hole! I asked him if my butt looked big, because of course I wanted him to tell me no, and he was honest and said yes! Who does he think he is!?
I even put on a pound of makeup, and I did my hair all special for him one night, because he said he was going to take me out for a nice dinner. He didn't even notice that I did my hair different, and he took me to Mcdonalds! Then, he asked if he could go out with his friends to have a beer and watch the game! He is so mean to me! He went out with his friends already last month, and he only spends 16 hours a day with me normally.

All I ever ask of him is to help around the house, and to spend some quality time with his girlfriend, but no! He would rather see his friends and talk about sports!
He tried saying that he needs time away from me sometimes to miss me, like I smother him or something. What kind of nonsense is that? He is the worst boyfriend ever! Once a month is by far and away enough time to spend with his friends, and all I do is stay at home and cry waiting for him to come home! I was by myself for 2 hours the other day when he went out! TWO HOURS! *cries*
When will I find a real man? They don't exist! :'(
I just would like to point out to everyone.... I got a NEGATIVE rep point on this point because of "bad language".
I would like to ask where my bad language is in this quote. Someone please explain this to me, and the person who actually gave me a negative rep point, please explain yourself. I find it quite uncalled for that I get negative rep points for bad language when there is none.
Are you talking about me saying the words Butt? Really?
How about A-Hole? That's a bad word? A?
I'd like a formal apology from whoever gave me negative rep for saying A-Hole. That isn't bad language the same as me saying the word Freaking over another F word, or saying Butt instead of the A word.
I'm actually upset over this, because I get a lot of positive rep points, and yet someone decides to give me negative rep for a bad word that isn't even there? I'm sure that no one would actually have the guts to publically say it to me, because the rep points are private... but as a christian, for you to say that is negative.. you live in a world of your own.
I'm sure you would say Hell is a bad word too, even though it's used in the bible.
This makes me upset that someone is so ignorant to click bad rep and not publically say something to me about it. You are a coward of a person, and you clearly are far more ignorant than myself for using a word on the internet like A-Hole in a joke post. I mean, A could mean Anal for all you know, and that's the proper term. I'm sure you would say that is a bad word too, because you are a judge of languages, right?
It isn't even a sin to use bad language, btw. There is nowhere in the bible that says there is a thing as "bad language" except blaphemy. As long as you are not blasphemying the Lord, then you are not sinning by using "cuss" words. They are just words. The English language wasn't even invented during ancient biblical times. They used Aramaic, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, etc. English didn't exist, and to say a word is bad language, and therefore a sin, is ignorant and incorrect. PEOPLE made words bad, not God. That is called legalism ladies and gentleman, and it is a ploy of the devil. God HATES legalism.
So, to the person that gave me negative rep for posting a word you disagreed with, rather than just telling me it themselves in public, or even in private in a message, I give you the preverbal middle finger. I'm sure you would think that is a sin too, being as ignorant as you are. You probably don't even know the history of that, but you would negative rep that too. Enjoy the middle finger from me, and I hope you freak out with your legalistic lies that don't coincide with scripture.