Hi Valour-Dare, welcome to the forums!
I get being troubled by the times we live in. Yes, I do expect a coming storm. Do I think it will be the final "storm" before Jesus comes back? Who knows...... those who saw WW1 & WW2 coming may have felt the same way, yet here we are.
We are called to keep our lamps trimmed and full of oil, but that doesn't mean we cease to live. Has God told you not to date or marry? If not then perhaps it's an option for you. Submit yourself to His will, but don't talk yourself out of a blessing..... doing so can actually be a type of false morality. Not judging though, I'm prone to it myself!
As a teenager, I heard a lot about the end times. Always thinking the world was about to end kinda left me feeling like anything I did was a waste of time. Eventually I learned to seek His guidance for whatever He wanted me to do or decide THAT DAY. I found a lot of peace in that, and I hope you will too. God still has a plan for you, even if it all ends next week

P.S. Even the wise virgins with plenty of oil were allowed to sleep...... don't get yourself so wound up in discerning the times that you're unable to rest or accomplish whatever God has for you!