On the contrary, you're being quite the gentleman, and more importantly, quite the Christian.
Julia's a troll playing everyone. 48 years of age and asking such questions? Get real. She didn't just crawl out from under a rock. Such questions are for 14 year olds, not 48. There, I said it!
I might be naive, but I have to say that when someone first asks something like this, I always take them seriously. Now, if it drags on and it becomes apparent that the person is trolling, then yes, of course I'll just brush it off.
But I think we often take for granted that some of us have grown up in or have known what seems to us like basic Christian principles for a long time. For some people, even as adults, becoming familiar with the Christian culture can be something brand-new and very intimidating.
Just the other day I was talking to someone who grew up in a "Christian" household with one of their parents being in the ministry, but their house was filled with beatings, drugs, and alcohol--and so they assumed this is how other Christians live. If someone grows up in a household where "experimenting" with different things or actions is "normal", someone very well might grow to adulthood and not know. So, I always try to give the benefit of the doubt.
I'm surprised this passage isn't quoted more when it comes to homosexuality being "right or wrong":
Romans 1:25-27 -- "For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie... For that reason, God gave them over to their degrading passions, for even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones, just as their men abandoned the natural functions with women and burned in their desire for one another."
Clearly, God sees same-sex passions as being wrong. However, the Bible also states:
1 Cor. 6:9 - "Neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor covetous, nor revilers, nor swindlers... will enter the kingdom of heaven."
If you look closely at that list, this includes EVERYONE. "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
The good news, however, is that EVERYONE also has the chance for a new life through faith in Christ, resulting in His helping us to put old ways behind us, and preparing us for eternal life spent with Him instead of condemnation.
Julia, we are ALL struggling with SOMETHING. I hope you are part of a good Bible-believing church that can help you with whatever things in your life you're struggling with. God bless.