Ugly is one of our resident bullies...but maybe best if you did change the photo

Folks assume things around here before they get to know folks
I didn't insult her, judge her, question her integrity. I simply pointed out that her pic screamed 'modern woman' while stating she wants a traditional man.
And when a person comes to this site talking about getting consequences of their willful choice to sin I don't coddle them. There are already 20 other people patting them on the back sympathizing or repeating hollow spiritual cliches. I prefer offering them something useful, insights into their situation, things that could help them prevent repeating such mistakes. And I don't beat around the bush. Many people have thanked me for being direct. Not sure how many bullies get thanked.
We are part of a body, and all have different roles. This is the role God has given me and uses me with. Some jobs are dirtier than others but that doesn't make them wrong.
A few years ago I may have been more harsh but thanks to friends working with me I have learned to take a softer approach while still being direct.
If all this makes me a bully then I guess I'm a bully.