i never played battlefield or mario kart. i've always preferred deep single-player campaigns to multiplayer, and the experience of watching RTCW flood with spoilers and drive other players away probably reinforced that. i played madden a little years ago, but i got more into playing the PGA tour games -- they're really kind of relaxing - turning commentary off golf games are a quiet, atmospheric soundtrack - very much in contrast with almost all other games, where there's usually some noise of violence or loud item-pick-up alerts. golf games are just wind, birds, and the occasional bright clink of taking a shot, and muted thuds of the small ball landing on the earth.
i played pretty much everything but medic in RTCW; i never wanted to be 'that guy' -- well, if i was going to do the things 'that guy' did in those games i wasn't going to take what i saw as the easy way out. i played a lot of field-ops, which i know, spamming artillery all day is just as cheese as standing on piles of medpacks -- but hey shot for shot there's no more efficient weapon in the game. still i would always try to match or outdo my airstrike kills with smg. running out of ammo is awful, i wasn't ever good with a knife, and honing smg skill is basic for being good at fps games no matter what class you play, so that was usually my first choice especially for the first few years i played; that and the mg42, because the classic maps all have pinch points where if you can get set up with one of those and someone will feed you ammo, you can mow own the other team almost the whole game and really control the whole flow of the map.
as i got to be more of a 'veteran' at it i played a lot more engineer than anything else. because, land mines and grenades, and because, the straighforward way to win almost every map requires an engineer. i always played to win, even if i was goofing around and waiting until the last 3 minutes to do it. one of my favorite things to do was be on a team that was being severely whomped, sneak/trickjump behind everyone and blow up the objective of an overconfident opponent
i used to run the basketball-game map on my servers all the time with low gravity, and coded panzers to shoot patterns of multiple rockets instead of one at a time. that was a blast! does that sound familiar to you? i don't know of anyone who did that but me, and it was always on my rotations once i sorted out how to do all the scripting
I got into the golf game on Wii Sports, if people were around. It's a good game to entertain guests. Hitting the ball in the water is always worth a laugh, or a cry. lol
I liked playing medic on RTCW, because you can heal. Would lay about 5 medic packs and just camp around a corner, than when someone attacks, they are thinking why aren't you dead? Ah-haw! Standing on medic packs buster! lol Love that move.
You were the guy jumping over the wall to blow up both the North and South cannon to rush the map. Tisk-tisk. Did the same thing, but I think they made it a rule later on, that you weren't allowed to skip an objective. I seen some trick dynamite tricks from the back of the cannons, that showed some skill. Couldn't ever do that. I did a few covert operation engineer type moves to lay minds on top of the cannons, than set-up my grenade launcher, and wait for the engineers to get ambushed. Good times.
I liked all the classes on RTCW, really was a great game. The flame thrower was fun on certain maps. If the panzer was taken, usually went for the medic or engineer. I loved laying minds all around the broken down tank, so when the enemy comes....Ka-boom!
Don't remember the multiple rocket attacks at all, but thought it was funny when a present was shot out of the panzer, if you did to many self kills; So humiliating!